Please watch the video to learn more about the Spanish Immersion program at Cottonwood.
What grades will this be for?
Spanish Immersion will be offered in grades Kindergarten - 3rd (25/26) and every year after that we will add a grade level through 5th grade. We will only be enrolling for kindergarten for the 25/26 school year
Do students have to know any Spanish before starting the program?
No, we anticipate most students will not know Spanish. You are welcome to work with your child on basic kindergarten Spanish if you would like to prepare them. We recommend starting with numbers 1 through 10, colors, shapes, and common foods.
How do we add our child to the program?
Families will need to attend kinder roundup and complete the interest form. For Priority Enrollment, please complete the interest form on or before March 1st.
What if we are not a current Cottonwood family and do not live in CWE boundaries?
No problem! Please complete the open enrollment application on the VUSD website in addition to the Kindergarten interest form. If you are accepted into the program, your full enrollment needs to be completed on or before April 1st to reserve your spot in the Spanish Immersion program.
How many spaces are available?
We are anticipating about 50 spots to be available in kinder, however, this will be dependent on the level of interest we receive from families through our application process. To be considered during priority enrollment, please complete your application by December 31st.
How many teachers will my student have?
Your child will be assigned to one teacher. That teacher will instruct in both Spanish and English throughout the day. Students will also have a rotation of Specials teachers (Art, Music, PE, etc).
How much will the program cost?
Spanish Immersion will be free for families. We are not requiring a fee. To offer incredible programming like this, we do rely heavily on tax credits. If you have not met your donation cap for the year, please consider doing so through our tax credit website.
If I do not live in the VUSD, is bus transportation available?
It could be. Bus availability is dependent on the seats that are available on individual routes throughout the district. You can get answers about your specific instance from our transportation department. They can be reached at (520) 879-2495.
How do I express interest in having my kindergartener join the Spanish Immersion program for the 2025/2026 school year?
Please complete this kindergarten interest form to express interest in our Spanish Immersion program. To qualify for Priority Enrollment, this form must be completed by December 31st.
When will I find out if my child was accepted?
Our first round of acceptance notification will take place by January 8th. We will email families to notify them that they have secured a spot in the program and send along a commitment form that will need to be completed by January 31st along with any open enrollment registration that might be needed. If enrollment and commitment form is not completed by the 31st, the spot will then move to the next student on the waiting list.
How will priority enrollment work?
We will place as many interested students in the Spanish Immersion program as possible. If we have more student interest than space available, a lottery will take place to determine acceptance.
Priority Enrollment will be determined as follows:
Students who live in Cottonwood boundaries/Students of Vail Staff
In-district students and anyone with a current CWE sibling
In-district transfers
Out-of-district transfers with a current CWE sibling
Out-of-district transfers
Will my student be able to transfer in and out of the program?
We ask that families commit to the program for at least the full school year. Students are expected to struggle with language immersion. It is a natural part of the process. If you choose to exit your child from the program, they will not have a reserved spot the following school year.
How do I complete enrollment for Cottonwood?
Enrollment can be completed through our front office. You will need to bring
Your child's original birth certificate
A valid driver's license (or valid ID card)
A current residence document (ex: mortgage statement, rental agreement, utility bill)
If you are a family that completed an open enrollment application, please wait to come in to enroll until after you have received affirmation of acceptance in open enrollment.
Can my child be in Spanish Immersion and receive services in Special Education or for speech?
Our Administration and our Special Education team will review your child’s IEP to determine if Special Education services and Spanish Immersion enrichment will be possible for your child.